Seductively Seduced
Mackenzie Dominants 2
Seductively Seduced
At 31, Jocelyn Grace Mackenzie has everything she wants out of life except a love to call her own. She’s the owner of a very successful fetish club and a full-time practicing Dominatrix. With the impending nuptials of her best friend Imani to her cousin Mac, Jocelyn often finds herself under the scrutiny of her well meaning family—who wonders when she too will settle down. However, finding that special someone is no easy task given her choice of lifestyle, and keeping her well meaning family from prying is a constant battle.
Thirty-five-year-old Ahmad Dupree, a former FBI agent, has returned to St. Louis on a mission to claim the woman he believes saved his life and has filled his every waking moment since. Now the head of his own security firm, Ahmad has kept tabs on his “Roadside Angel” from afar and is no longer content to be a silent bystander. Undaunted by the fact she’s a Domme, he knows that her lifestyle may be the only way to reach out to her, and he’ll do whatever it takes to earn her love.
Note: This book contains a heroine who is a domme.
Genre: African-American, BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 43,637
Mackenzie Dominants 2
Mimi Tulane
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance
Copyright © 2014 by Mimi Tulane
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-132-5
First E-book Publication: January 2014
Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher
I would like to thank my publisher and the editors at Siren, who help me to smooth the rough edges and polish my story, allowing me to showcase my work in its best light.
Thank you to the following: My husband and children who put up with me at my craziest, my friends and family that offered their support and encouragement especially their suggestions. You will always have my gratitude and love.
To my God who gave me the gift of writing and who sustains me during my trials.
And as always to all of you who buy and read my work, your support I always appreciate, as well as your feedback. I am inspired and humbled by your kindness.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
About the Author
Mackenzie Dominants 2
Copyright © 2014
Five years prior
Jocelyn saw the wreckage and her heart leaped into her throat. This stretch of Clayton Road was deserted and notorious for hairpin turns. From the looks of the car, it was a sure bet the driver met with one—up close and personal. The car had gone through the guard railing and the front end was in a deep ditch. Pulling over to the shoulder, she dialed 911 to report the accident. Running over to the car she saw that the driver was still inside of it, slumped over the steering wheel. The airbag had deployed but after feeling for a pulse she realized the driver was dead.
Jocelyn paused, cocking her head to listen. What sounded like a faint groan had caught her attention. The moment she heard the sound again, she looked in the direction from where she thought it was coming. The rear passenger door was opened, so she assumed the passenger had gotten out. Making her way over to that side of the car she saw shattered glass littering the back seat—and the rear windshield was gone. Another groan and this time she was sure it was coming from the ditch below and noted how the ground sloped steeply. The car had torn away a portion of the guard railing so she thought maybe when the passenger exited the vehicle he had been unaware how close his proximity was to the steep slope and fallen down below.
“Is anyone there?” she called down into the darkness of the ditch.
“Here. I’m here.”
His voice seemed to come from several feet below, confirming her earlier assumptions. Running back to her car, she grabbed the small flashlight from her glove box. With it in hand, she carefully climbed down and called out again, this time pinpointing his location. He was partially hidden within some overgrowth and was in a very bad way.
She made her way to his side but refrained from attempting to move him. Not that she could, the man was huge. His swollen and bruised face was covered in blood and he was lying prone upon the ground. She gently took his hand, letting him know someone was there. The dispatcher was still on the line so she quickly reported what she saw. The dispatcher told her that an emergency response call had been placed and that help should arrive soon. She asked Jocelyn if she would remain at the scene until they arrived and she readily agreed.
bsp; “Help is on the way, sir.” Jocelyn felt powerless. The man was severely injured and could barely nod his head in response. She was hardly qualified to administer any kind of medical aid. At most she knew CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. She tried to make out his features, no small feat given how banged-up he was. The lone streetlight above casted a murky amber glow, which only extended as far as the street. The only thing she could be sure of was that he was a very large African American male who looked to be around thirty. His grip was surprisingly firm as he squeezed her hand and tried to speak.
“Not safe here, you…must leave.”
Despite the man’s injuries, he seemed more worried about her safety. “I’m not going anywhere until the paramedics arrive,” she answered firmly. Walking away from someone who needed help wasn’t in her makeup. She tried to make the man comfortable, taking off her jacket and placing it under his head. Upon further inspection of him, her eyes widened. Several holes dotted various places upon his body…bullet holes. Someone had tried to kill this man. “Sir, do you know who did this to you? Could they still be around?” Jocelyn looked warily, hoping that wasn’t the case.
“Not sure, you should go,” was the weak reply he gave.
She chuckled. “I already told you, I’m not going anywhere. Do you hear that?” The sirens from the approaching emergency vehicles could be heard blaring in the distance. The injured man nodded again, groaning from the effort. Jocelyn continued to hold his hand, stroking the back of it in a soothing motion. Clearly this man had been shot several times and left for dead. She took one look at the man’s distorted features and something within her resonated in anger. She didn’t know this man but somehow she doubted he deserved this fate.
One of his arms was bleeding profusely and she thought back to a class she’d taken on first aid. She needed to assess exactly where the blood flow was coming from. Placing the flashlight between her teeth as she worked, she regretted not changing the batteries in it. The dim light was making her unsure but she realized she had no time to dwell on that. Rather, she needed to act quickly. Removing her belt from her waist she used it as a makeshift tourniquet to staunch the flow of blood, tightening it around his arm, all the while, hoping the ambulance would arrive before this man bled out from his injuries.
“Tell me your name…please.” He was asking her name and she didn’t see the harm in giving it.
“My name is Jocelyn. You’re going to be all right. You’re pretty big, you know that? Do you play sports? Let me guess, a professional wrestler?” She was rambling but the intention was to just keep him lucid. She thought maybe if she kept him talking, he’d fight to stay with her. Hoping the tourniquet would be enough, she continued to murmur encouraging soothing words to him. Her flashlight had finally died so they were now covered in darkness. Left with only the sound of her voice as a means to offer him comfort, she tried to use a little humor—not one of her strong suits. “You know if you’re this banged up I bet the other guy looks much worse?” He tried to chuckle but the effort was too much for him, sending him into a painful coughing fit. “Easy, easy, just hold on, stay with me.” Damn it where the hell is the ambulance? The sounds of the sirens were growing nearer.
“Thank you,” he said to her just as the police and EMTs arrived. The ditch was now flooded with light as the police and paramedics had arrived, sweeping the area with flood lights attempting to locate them.
“We’re down here!” she called out. The response team wasted no time in reaching them, hustling her out of the way to work on the injured man. “Miss, may I get a statement from you?” Jocelyn tore her gaze away from the scene, long enough to answer the officer’s questions. His questions were general probably, routine given the scenario. He asked her about the two men and if she’d seen anything other than what she reported to the dispatcher.
“I’m afraid I didn’t see anything. I just stopped when I saw the accident. He did say it wasn’t safe,” she replied, nodding her head in the injured man’s direction. A man she recognized from the television news as the police captain was leaning down, his expression grim as he listened to the injured man. When the captain stood he ordered everyone to clear the scene. Walking over to where she stood with the officer that was taking her statement, he dismissed him then spoke to her himself.
“Miss, you’re going to have to clear the scene. Will you come to the station to finish giving your statement?”
“Yes of course. Captain, is he going to be all right?” she asked. She felt bad for the poor man. She never understood senseless violence and clearly this man and his driver had been victims of a crime. She watched as he was lifted onto a gurney then lifted out of the ditch and taken toward the ambulance.
“Hard to say,” he replied as he helped her back up to the road then excused himself to address the officers at the scene.
Meanwhile, a coroner’s truck had arrived and the second man was similarly loaded inside of it, the exception being that he was encased in a body bag. A forensics team was concentrating on inspecting the car. In her haste to find the injured man she hadn’t noticed what was apparent to her now. The car was riddled with bullet holes, which explained how the back windshield was shattered. The car had sustained a heavy barrage of gunfire. She supposed the driver must have lost control of the vehicle during their assault. The injured man must have been trying to get to safety when he fell.
She walked over to speak to the EMT that was in the rear of the ambulance with the man. He was hanging an IV bag. “What hospital are you taking him to?” she asked him, concerned.
“Barnes,” he replied.
Even now in the light of the ambulance, his features were hard to make out given the extent of his injuries. He had on an oxygen mask and labored for breath. She took one last look before the EMT inside motioned for her to step back. The second EMT closed the doors then hopped behind the wheel of the ambulance and sped off.
“Miss, if you would follow us to the station we’ll finish getting your statement.” She turned her attention to the police officer and simply nodded. Her thoughts were on the injured man.
* * * *
Jocelyn sat outside in her car for a moment to gather her wits. She drew in deep, calming breaths, feeling the letdown of her previous adrenaline-rushed state. She had decided to drive to her parents’ home. Being alone at her place didn’t appeal to her tonight. She looked up as the front door opened. Her parents stood in the doorway, worry etched onto their faces. She’d called them from the police station to tell them she was coming. They embraced her the minute she walked up, then led her inside. As her father fixed her a drink, she recounted the ordeal to her parents. They sat quietly discussing the harrowing events, wondering who the injured man was and why someone had attempted to kill him. Her mother hugged her tightly and her father kissed her forehead as he placed her drink in her hand. Her parents felt badly for the injured man but were thankful nothing had happened to their only daughter.
Sometime later she said her good-nights then headed for one of the guest rooms. As she showered she thought of the man, and again wondered who he was. Climbing into bed she turned off the bedside lamp. Before she closed her eyes, she decided she would just go by the hospital and inquire about him first thing in the morning. Maybe then she could get a few answers.
The following morning she arrived at Barnes Hospital, the place the EMT last night had told her they’d be taking the mysterious man. Jocelyn stopped by the nursing station and was directed toward a doctor with a medical chart in her hand and who was speaking with the police captain from last night. Both were standing outside of a hospital room. She noted the curtains were drawn on the glass window and the door closed and wondered if this was the room they had brought him to.
“Hello, my name is Jocelyn Mackenzie. I was hoping to find out the condition of the man brought in last night.”
“Are you next of kin?” she asked Jocelyn.
“No, I’m not. I was the one that stopped to call in the accident. I jus
t wanted to know if he was all right.”
The doctor traded glances with the police captain, who then spoke to Jocelyn. “I’m sorry, Miss Mackenzie, he died about an hour ago.”
Jocelyn was stunned. The doctor confirmed his injuries had been fatal.
The police captain patted her arm and praised her for her efforts. Sighing with a heavy heart, Jocelyn thanked them for letting her know. She headed outside and again felt angry that some callous, heartless individual could take a life with no regard. She realized she still hadn’t gotten the man’s name. It was just as well. She probably would never know if they were still trying to locate next of kin. Jocelyn wiped away a lone tear, then called her parents and gave them the sad news. “He didn’t make it.”
Chapter 1
Present day
“Damn.” Jocelyn sighed then began picking up the scattered beads of what use to be a necklace. She was attempting to put it on but managed to break it instead. She was preparing to attend the engagement party of her cousin Mac to her best friend Imani. She already knew not attending wasn’t an option but damn if she didn’t want to bail. It wasn’t because she wasn’t happy for them. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Imani finding love with her cousin and accepting his dominant lifestyle meant the world to her. They were utterly in love. Seeing their happiness somehow made her solitary life a bit more bearable. What she wasn’t looking forward to was the grilling she would surely receive from well-meaning family members.