Seductively Seduced Page 3
He continued to observe her from his vantage point within the alcove. Her movements and the way she walked were self-assured and confident and reminded him of a lioness upon the Savannah. She possessed a magnetic aura and it called to him. He’d willingly become this lioness’s prey if she gave him the chance. But he’d first have to explain to her what happened. That in itself was going to be tricky. She could very well send him on his way. Not that he’d go.
Ahmad rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He wanted her. He needed her. And the only way to get what he needed was to go after it. His approach to everything in his life was to make his own fortune, be his own master. However, he questioned his sanity now crashing a party clearly meant for family and invited guests. Yet there he was, gazing upon the woman he desired for his very own, mulling over when to make his move and approach her.
“Are you a friend of theirs?” Ahmad glanced down as a sweet elderly woman touched his arm. He was somewhat startled that he’d been so preoccupied with gazing upon Jocelyn that he hadn’t noticed he too was being watched.
He recovered smoothly and smiled. “Actually, ma’am, I think I might be in the wrong place. Is this the Johnson family reunion?” He knew it wasn’t. That party was booked in another banquet room according to the information board set up outside. He figured a little subterfuge wasn’t totally out of order. He was, after all, an uninvited “guest.”
“Oh no, dear, this is a private party for the Mackenzie Family. My nephew is engaged to be married to that sweet lovely girl over there.” Ahmad followed her gesture. She was pointing out the couple he saw talking with Jocelyn.
Ahmad smiled indulgently, offering an appropriate response. “They look like a happy couple, my congratulations to them.” He then reconsidered approaching Jocelyn—now was clearly not the time or place to make introductions. It was enough that he had been able to see her, if only at a distance. Casting one more glance in Jocelyn’s direction, he politely excused himself from his elderly guest then turned on his heel to leave.
Ahmad was leaving just as Jocelyn looked over in his direction and frowned.
* * * *
Jocelyn looked toward the door where the stranger was exiting. She wondered who he was and why Great Aunt Tally was speaking to him. Walking over to her she asked, “Hey, Auntie T, who was your friend? Why didn’t he stay?” She was trying to sound casual and not set off a volley of questions aimed in her own direction. She didn’t get a good look at him but the sheer size of the man stirred something within her. His shoulders were broad like he might have been an athlete. She wondered if he was a friend of Mac’s from college. He’d played football and a few of his friends had gone on to pro careers. She dismissed those thoughts. She wasn’t going to figure out that mystery now since all she had been afforded was just a brief glance of his retreat, impressive as that was. Aunt Tally kissed her cheek fondly, then smiled before waving in someone’s direction. Jocelyn turned her attention as well then inwardly groaned. Her mother was making a beeline toward them and she had that look in her eyes. Jocelyn knew where this was headed. Her luck had just run out.
“He was certainly handsome. Perhaps Aunt Tally wouldn’t mind telling us both,” said Ruth Mackenzie as she pecked her only daughter on her cheek.
Jocelyn hid her chagrin. “Mama, how are you tonight?” Her mother had chosen that moment to come and inquire about her daughter’s well-being, in time to overhear her asking Great-Aunt Tally about a man. Of all the things for her to overhear! Aunt Tally smiled patiently in both of her nieces’ direction. “Well, Ruth Ann, I don’t rightly know who he was. I didn’t ask his name. He was standing over here all by his lonesome. I thought maybe he was someone Jocelyn Grace knew, or maybe a friend of Jonathan Keith’s and his bride to be.” Only Great-Aunt Tally called any of them by their full given names.
“Auntie T, you were speaking to a complete stranger?” Jocelyn didn’t know if she liked the sound of that. Who the hell was this man wandering in off the streets into a private function?
“Jocelyn, no harm was done. I got a good look at the gentleman myself. He just made a mistake and was probably looking for a party booked in one of the other banquet rooms,” said Ruth, shaking her head at her overprotective daughter with a smile.
Jocelyn wasn’t so sure and it crossed her mind that maybe her mother was trying to set her up…again. She wouldn’t put it past her mother to have invited some friend of a friend’s eligible son to the family shindig. Pursing her lips, she gave her mother a sidelong glance but was unable to ferret out the truth, therefore, kept her opinion to herself. She learned early on her objections to her mother’s matchmaking would fall on deaf ears.
She knew she meant well and only wanted her happy and settled down with a family of her own. She just didn’t have a timeframe to give her mother. Jocelyn was not going to be rushed into any relationship that could potentially lead to marriage or children. And now with Mac announcing his plans to wed Imani, Jocelyn feared the family would start to focus even harder upon her own single status.
“Jocelyn Grace, he did seem to be a bit taken with you,” Aunt Tally offered. Jocelyn looked at her aunt dubiously. She became even more alarmed by the approaching clamor of voices. Jocelyn steeled herself, as now the remainder of the Fates had joined them. Word had already made the circuit that some mystery man had wandered into the party and had his eyes on Jocelyn. Inwardly fuming, she suffered through their observations, their comments on his sudden appearance, and musings of whether or not the man was single.
Jocelyn was now exasperated. “Really, we are discussing a total stranger! I love you guys but you have got to stop!” She didn’t know why she bothered to protest. Her mother and Aunts were now in a debate concerning the identity of the mystery man that strolled inside for a brief moment then strolled right out again. Jocelyn, however, was pissed that he’d caused this ruckus, subjecting her to the Fates. On top of that she was most annoyed with herself, because now she too wanted to know who the hell he was!
Chapter 3
As Ahmad walked toward his limo, his driver, who doubled as his bodyguard, nodded and opened his door. His thoughts were still upon Jocelyn. He was aware, from detailed reports supplied by his security team, that Jocelyn worked as a Dominatrix and owned a fetish club. He immediately began to work out a new plan, to visit the Velvet Fantasy and gain an audience with his roadside angel. Nothing was going to deter him from being with her and he’d take her on her terms. He was reasonably familiar concerning the BDSM lifestyle. He’d made up his mind that if that was the route he’d have to take to gain her trust and her love, so be it. He’d survived an attempt made on his life—he could handle anything his dusky beauty dished out and then some.
Before he could enter the vehicle he saw his driver reaching inside the holster hidden within his jacket. Ahmad looked past him, halting his entry into the car. When he saw who was approaching, he motioned with his hand to his driver not to pull his weapon. He was certain this wasn’t a jealous boyfriend approaching because his security detail kept him abreast of all of Jocelyn’s activities. Jocelyn was unmarried and to his knowledge not seeing anyone seriously. It was just as well, for in his heart he felt Jocelyn was his. Nonetheless he didn’t want an unprovoked altercation with whoever this was.
“Hey, brother, hold up!” It was the young gentleman that Jocelyn had been talking to at her table. Ahmad watched as he jogged over to the car.
“May I help you, Mr…?” He was making a point that he wanted to know who he was addressing, and his driver was making it even clearer by his body language that further introductions needed to be made—and soon.
“You caused quite a stir with my peeps. The name is Rasheed Mackenzie.” Rasheed extended his hand for Ahmad to shake.
Grasping his hand firmly, Ahmad inclined his head at the younger man’s introduction. “Ahmad Dupree, and I’m sorry if I did. I was looking for another party—must have gotten my dates mixed up.” Ahmad took in Rasheed’s considering gaze. He cou
ld tell the younger man was sizing him up and measuring his words. He could appreciate that. Rasheed’s last name at least gave him a clue as to who he was dealing with, another family member of Jocelyn’s.
“No problem. Listen, you’re welcome to come back inside. We don’t bite and there is plenty of grub to go around.” Ahmad briefly considered his offer. He’d be able to actually speak to Jocelyn if he did. Yet his instincts told him that tonight was not the prime opportunity he sought. He would wait to reveal himself to her at her club.
“Thank you but I think I’ll pass. I don’t want to intrude.” Ahmad politely refused his offer but thought of something and acted on his hunch. “You know, I’m new to St. Louis and I’m looking to enjoy a bit of night life. You wouldn’t happen to know of any hot spots?” Ahmad was banking on Rasheed knowing about Jocelyn’s club.
“Man, anybody who is anybody comes here.” Rasheed fished out a business card with the club’s logo and address on it.
Ahmad quirked his brow as he read the description of the club. The card boasted it was run by Mistress Lady J. His balls tightened in his slacks. He couldn’t wait to see Jocelyn—Mistress Lady J—in action. “Thank you, young brother, I will definitely stop by.”
Ahmad entered the car and told his driver to take off, leaving Rasheed to stare after the departing limo quizzically. He really didn’t want to cause a stir, needing his first meeting with his angel to remain low key. However, now things had become quite…interesting. He wasn’t an insecure man by any means nor skittish with his sensuality. During the ride back to his hotel suite, his cock continued to grow harder with thoughts of becoming Jocelyn’s willing plaything. Granted, he knew this wasn’t just a pastime of his angel’s—she was the real deal. He was going to have to subject himself to total compliance, which included any fetishes she would want him to explore. The more he thought of it the harder he got. Glancing at the card in his hand, he read the services offered, which included discreet consultations. He smiled slowly. He knew how he’d gain an audience with his angel.
Ahmad entered his hotel suite. His guard bade him a good-night before turning to instruct the detail that was on duty for tonight. Ahmad closed the door. Ever since the attempt made on his life, five years ago, he’d traveled with a security detail. It was in fact how he was able to vouch for the efficiency and discreet services his company offered. Clients were willing to pay the steep fees, assured by his company’s reputation for professionalism because he used his own company for his own security needs. Now that he’d established a new base of operations for the Midwest branch, he wanted to take time to pursue his own desires.
He tossed his jacket and keys onto the dresser, then yanked a beer from the mini fridge. Popping the cap, he took a long draw from the bottle then loosened his tie. It would also be a few weeks still before his new home was finished. He made sure to clear his schedule and had no business affairs to attend for several weeks. He wanted time to devote to his plan of seduction. Seeing Jocelyn tonight only steeled his resolve.
Moving with purpose, he took out his laptop and pulled up the Velvet Fantasy’s Web page. His smile returned at the image before him of Jocelyn. She was seated on a throne in a promotional picture that had submissives, both male and female, kneeling at her feet. Several other people, Dominants he presumed, judging by their stance, stood behind her chair. The young brother he had spoken with, Rasheed, was standing to her right, his arms folded—a braided flogger in his hand. Damn. Apparently this was a family affair.
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully before filling out the online consultation form. As he read over the options he chose option B, which included a consultation prior to the session, and chose to have his discreet encounter with the Mistress Lady J herself. He would use that to get a feel of the woman whose heart he hoped he could claim for his own.
Ahmad was satisfied with his decision and would test the waters. He would find out firsthand what his angel was capable of. His consultation was booked for early tomorrow evening and he jotted down the confirmation number for his registration. Nothing, not even her being a Domme, was going to keep him from being with her and making her his—for life.
* * * *
Jocelyn tried to enjoy the remainder of the party but her mind kept going back to the man that crashed it. She hadn’t gotten a good look at him but the little she saw of his profile and retreating back had her itching to know more.
“Hey, Jocie, guess what?” Rasheed was returning from grabbing some air, or so he had said. The twinkle in his eyes told her that may not have been his only objective. “What are you up to, Cub?” Rasheed lived up to his moniker of the playful Dom and was prone to pulling pranks from time to time. She really hoped he wasn’t planning something now. She needed this night to continue without any further surprises.
“You know that sharp dresser that was here, the one the Fates was talking about?” Jocelyn was eyeing him with suspicion. “I caught up with him. Man, that cat rolls big! Limo with a driver that was mean-mugging me—had to be his bodyguard. I wanted to scope him out for you.” Rasheed was looking pretty pleased with himself. Jocelyn groaned. She was getting a bad feeling.
“Seriously, tell me you did not go there! Cub, what did you do?” It was official. Her entire family was on a mission to hook her up! Rasheed’s grin was nothing short of spectacular…or mischievous, depending on the viewpoint. “I didn’t do anything, Jocie, for reals! I just spoke to him, got his name and tried to get him to come back inside but no dice. I guess he was in hurry to beat feet. I did give him a card. He said he’d drop by and check out the club.”
Jocelyn considered that for a moment then asked hesitantly, “What’s his name?”
“Ahmad something, damn I had the last name but I can’t recall it now.”
Jocelyn pursed her lips then chuckled. “Some point man you are! How are you scoping him out for me and can’t remember a last name?” Rasheed continued to grin. Jocelyn processed the information Rasheed had supplied. Rasheed not being able to remember the man’s last name didn’t give her cause for alarm, simply because all guests were required to show identification before admittance. She would just leave instructions with security at the door to let her know if any guest with the first name of Ahmad came in. With any luck he’d visit on a night she worked. The minute she had the thought she inwardly blanched. Why would she care what night he came in for a visit? She gave herself a mental shaking and headed toward the couple that had just entered, hoping the night would not yield any more surprises.
* * * *
Mac had intercepted the arriving pair just as she made her way over. Reese Jackson, along with his partner Janice Thomas, was being introduced to Imani. Mac teasingly whispered—loud enough for Reese to hear—that he would fill her in on Reese’s atypical lifestyle. When Imani’s face got that wide-eyed, quizzical look, it sent the group into a series of chuckles and laughter. Much to Jocelyn’s relief the remainder of the night progressed pleasantly and without further incident.
When the party had finally come to a close, Jocelyn pitched in with the rest of the family and friends to help carry the gifts the couple received out to their car. She had made a call earlier to Carl who was waiting for her outside. After the car was loaded, she said her good-byes to Mac and Imani, reminding Imani to call her and set a date for them to finalize her bachelorette party. Mac’s fake scowl when he heard that had Imani giggling as they entered their vehicle and drove off.
She said her good-byes to Reese and Janice who were talking quietly with Carl during her good-byes to Mac and Imani. They left an open invitation for her to come over for dinner—and desert—which had nothing to do with any confections. Chuckling, she entered the car with Carl’s assistance and waved good-bye.
Once Jocelyn was at home, she donned a peignoir and lit a fire in her fireplace before lounging upon her chaise with a glass of sherry. She thought about the stranger that came in and secretly hoped he would in fact show up at her club. She was determined to find
out who he was and why he’d come to the party. For some reason she didn’t buy the “in the wrong place” story. There was just something about that man. She wanted to find out what.
Chapter 4
The following afternoon found Jocelyn in a meeting with Rasheed and Carmen. Carmen was her clerical assistant slash girl Friday and also worked as a house submissive. “So how do we look as far as bookings go?” Jocelyn asked.
“We have a birthday bash on Friday and two bachelor parties for next weekend,” said Carmen.
Jocelyn nodded her head then addressed Rasheed. “Cub, I need you to update me on the progress of our next themed event.” She had left the planning of this month’s event to Rasheed, who thought hosting an “alternative-con” would make for good turnout. She was definitely on board with that. The more correct and proper information that could be assimilated on the BDSM culture the better. She also thought it was a chance for some of the house Doms to shine and strut their stuff, so to speak. She’d been swamped with “house calls” with some of her exclusive clients, those that preferred to enjoy her services in the privacy of their own homes. It felt good to turn over the reins every now and again. Now if only she could do the same with her love life! Trying to turn over control in that area was a daunting task, in her opinion.