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Tulane, Mimi - Curiously Curious (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

  She didn’t know what she had expected when he brought her down to show her his dungeon. She was awe struck at the amount of time and care he put into his domain. His dungeon was a work of art, where he masterfully plied his craft, and there was no mistaking whose domain it was!

  * * * *

  Mac wanted Imani to explore the dungeon, allow her curiosity to pique and to ask him her questions. He continued to observe her, paying close attention to her responses to the toys. He smiled slowly when her cute nose turned up from eyeing his whips. She was more receptive, however, of the soft floggers and blushed quite a lovely shade when she shyly handled the nipple clamps and dildos. She abruptly looked up, her doe-eyed expression and slightly parted lips making his cock twitch within his slacks. He had no problems envisioning her bound naked and splayed upon his table, with him using the very dildo she had grasped in her sweet little hands; as he plunged it in and out of her soaked pussy, her juices coating the silicone phallus, as she whimpered from pleasure.

  At this rate, Mac was ready to break with the formalities and just indulge her in fantasy play. He surmised that Imani was not cut out for a total BDSM lifestyle, but would be open to some role-play. If necessary, he could seek a trained sub in that regard, but he would keep the door open to her concerning his world, not hide it. If they were ever to become more than friends, he could never shut her out of his lifestyle. Mac truly desired to share everything he was with her, not just his Dominant lifestyle. The question was did Imani desire the same? Which called to her more, the man or the Dom?

  He snapped to attention, prodded by the sultry sound of her voice yanking him from his musings, catching the tail end of her question. “I’m sorry, baby girl, what did you want to know?”

  She was pointing a finger toward the wall where several crops and floggers were dangling from a peg bar. “Do you use them all or are some of these just for decoration?”

  “Imani, I use everything you see in here.”

  Imani swallowed, her mouth becoming dry. “There’s just so much to take in at one time,” she stammered.

  “Imani, you can’t grasp all of this with a just a quick tour. I wanted you to see this room, to know where it was. This is a part of me, baby.” He spread his arms wide. Mac wanted to make his meaning clear to her that BDSM was indeed a part of his life but not the sum total of who he was. However, he was justified in his apprehension when he saw her bolting for the stairs that led out of the dungeon. “Imani! Wait!” He started after her. He refused to let her run from him, not now.

  * * * *

  Imani really had seen enough. Mac was no thrill seeker, he was a Master. Yet throughout the evening she kept coming back to the same thought. Is his lifestyle the only way I can gain entry into that elusive space within his being? Feeling overwhelmed and having an onset of insecurity, Imani headed for the stairs, intent on reaching the dungeon door. Mac needed a stronger female, not someone like her.

  Mac saw her bolting and quickly stepped in her path. “Baby, don’t run from me, not now. Imani, just tell me one thing. Can you deal with this part of my life? Sweetheart, I already know this isn’t your scene. I’m not asking you to make that choice as a concession to have me in your life. I just need to know that you can accept that I’m a practicing Dominant and this is a part of me!” Mac held her firmly but gently in place, searching her downcast face, tilting her chin up to gaze into her eyes, now brimming with tears.

  “Of course I can, I’m just not sure you want a woman in your life who can’t give you this…” She looked around the dungeon then back into his face.

  Mac leaned forward swiftly and claimed her lips, searing her with his kiss, branding her his with his mouth, his tongue a mad devil chasing hers, engulfing her trembling body with his powerful one. Her kiss was sweet and succulent and he refused to let her run away from what was there, not in the dungeon but inside of them both. He tore his lips away from hers and cupped her cheek, wiping her stray tears with his thumb.

  “Imani, baby, I don’t have to be your Dom, but I damn sure want to be your man!”

  Imani’s legs gave way from his declaration. Clinging to him, she searched his face for guile and found none there.

  “Mac, I want you, not just a part but all of who you are. I’m falling in love with you…” she whispered, finally speaking her truest desire of belonging to him in the way that it mattered most.

  Mac swept her up into his arms then carried her out of his dungeon, heading straight for his bedroom.

  Chapter Six

  Mac paused outside of his bedroom to make one thing crystal clear to Imani. “Once I take you inside, there is no turning back.”

  Imani gazed into the dark depths of his eyes with honest resolve. “I may not be sure about everything, Mac, but I am sure about wanting you,” she murmured.

  Mac carried Imani inside his bedroom and kicked the door closed behind them. The only thought Imani could process at the moment was Mac taking her to bed. Her fantasy and reality were now converging. Mac laid her upon his massive four-poster, letting her long legs dangle against the edge, and just drank her in for a moment. Her hair fanned out, creating a halo of soft curls around her lovely face, now flushed from excitement. Her lips were damp and kiss swollen and he leaned in for another quick taste before standing above her.

  “I need you to understand that no matter what happens between us, it does not change my level of respect for you as a woman, or as my friend. I want us to explore every option. If at any time you are unsure, uncomfortable, or afraid of what I introduce to you, I want you to know that you have every right to ask that we stop.” He paused to make sure she was with him, and when she nodded, he continued.

  “Now, do you know what a safe word is?” He needed her to understand that his desire for her was not contingent upon her fulfilling any of his BDSM needs, that he’d go as slow or as far as she wanted. His desire was to nurture a loving relationship with her foremost, and if it included BDSM, then fine.

  “Yes, it’s a word we agree upon, a word to use if I can’t handle…things,” she said, her breathing increasing.

  “Give me a word, Imani, one that means this scene has ended, one that calls things to a halt. And believe me, it ends right then. We can discuss the particulars afterwards, but all play ceases.” His tone was grave and the meaning clear. He’d never force her into anything.

  Imani thought for a moment then smiled shyly. “Jocelyn,” she said and saw his eyes blink then a slow smile creep across his fine-as-wine face.

  “Now that will call a halt to a whole lot of shit.” They shared a laugh over her choice of safe word. “Fine. You utter her name, all play ceases.”

  Imani gave him a beaming smile.

  “Imani, do you know what Safe, Sane, and Consensual means? Why it’s important to make that your mantra?”

  Imani shook her head no.

  “I don’t speak for all, because with anything interpretations and feelings can vary, but for me, it means the safety, both physical and emotional, of my partner or sub is paramount. That entails making sure my physicals are up to date, that I’m clean and so is she, free of sexually transmitted diseases and that my equipment and toys are maintained and sanitary. I place all of this in the safe category.”

  Imani listened carefully as he explained to her what it meant to him to be Safe, Sane, and Consensual. She was glad that he was taking the time to introduce her to things slowly. Her body, on the other hand, was raring to go. Having him stand over her as he peered down to where she lay upon his massive bed made her pussy contract and flood with spilled warmth. She wanted this man in the worst way.

  “Sane goes along with trust in my book. The power my sub gives to me over her body is by no means something to take for granted or misuse. I will wield my authority with respect, with honor. I will give to her all the care and attention that is needed to ensure we both get the most out of our experiences together, which includes knowing that a scene should end and that my sub may be emo
tionally compromised and unable to continue on.”

  Imani propped herself up. “Mac, why would a sub become emotionally compromised? Has that ever happened with you personally?”

  Sighing, he sat beside her on the bed to share with her a particular incident. “It didn’t happen with me, Imani. I had been witness to a rather bad public scene in which a Dom was so caught up in his power trip he refused to end the scene. He allowed it to progress past a point of safety and it was clear he was heading toward the wrong side of shit fast.” Rubbing his chin as he spoke, his voice had taken on a slight edge. “A bad scene could lead to someone being hurt. In the case of the sub, she had entered into a place referred to as subspace. It’s an intense state that often leaves a sub incoherent. It’s crucial that a Dom monitor his sub and know when to end a scene. I wish I could tell you that every Dominant put his sub’s needs before his own. In this case the Dom was too far gone to call it or didn’t care. I had no choice but to step in to end the scene before the sub was hurt any further.”

  He wondered now if he’d essentially ended things with Imani before they could begin. He would never place her in harm’s way, yet he’d be remiss if he didn’t make her aware of the dangers.

  “Consensual, simply put, means that no means no, that limits are respected, and that any boundaries pushed will have been discussed beforehand, with agreed upon specifications. The time to discuss what will and will not take place is before a scene, not afterward. Imani, with me, I want you to know that anytime you feel you’ve reached your limits you use that safe word and shit stops immediately.”

  Imani took in every single word he uttered and let it resonate within her. If she doubted his sincerity toward her well-being or dedication to his lifestyle, she put those doubts to rest. He cared enough to share with her the good and the ugly of the lifestyle he led! Her reservations were slowly melting away. “I understand fully, Mac, and I trust you.”

  Mac gently laid her down once more upon the bed then leaned over her, placing his palms on either side of her head, his face inches above hers. Imani cupped a palm to his face then traced her fingers along his jaw line. Mac turned his lips to kiss her fingers before speaking.

  “For tonight, we take things slow. You’ve agreed upon your safe word, now let’s discuss what you want from me.” His voice was a deep growl, his gaze penetrating. Mac uttered his first command to her. “Tell me what you want, Imani.”

  Without hesitation, she spoke candidly. “I want to explore with you. I really want to learn whatever you are willing to teach me, but I’m not sure about your dungeon, at least not yet, anyways.”

  “Fair enough. I don’t plan on making love to you in my dungeon tonight,” he responded with a smile, then he closed the distance between their lips, taking her mouth in a heated kiss that was nearly brutal in its intensity. He broke their kiss with effort, barely able to hold his pent up desire in check. He kept reminding himself and his cock to take his time for her sake. Without breaking eye contact with her, he reached for the hem of her skirt and began to push it up over her silken thighs. He made sure to graze her buttery soft skin with his fingertips and was rewarded with the feel of tiny, prickly goose bumps that had risen from the touch of his hands. He moved deliberately and agonizingly slow. With her skirt now around her waist, he could see that the whisper-soft material of her panties was now clinging to her mound with the telltale evidence of her growing lust.

  Mac inhaled sharply, her feminine natural scent mingled with that of her perfume creating an unmistakable, unique blend his brain would forever associate with being the scent of his woman. His base, primal needs were roaring to life, tempting him to dispense with any lessons, to just claim her, fuck her senseless then start all over again. Instead, he called on his years of experience and control to put a lock on those thoughts then begin his own brand of sweet torture upon Imani’s damp sex. He grazed her mound lightly, using the material to cause sweet friction, the contact of the material against her clit causing the nub to harden and swell.

  Imani’s eyes fluttered closed, the tips of her nipples now distended into hard peaks of their own. She began to squirm upon the bed, pressing her pussy closer to his fingers, wanting as much contact to his maddening touch as possible. She was totally aroused by Mac’s touch. She whimpered as her hips lifted and moved beneath his maddening fingers. He was playing with her clit, using her damp panties for added friction and she was slowly losing it.

  “Lie still, Imani. As much as this is pleasuring us both, this is lesson one, an exercise in control. You over your desire and me over you,” he said firmly, his voice deep and husky. Mac continued to torture the hardened nub of her clit.

  Imani’s eyes flew open. Is he serious? Gazing into his handsome mahogany face, she realized he was dead serious even as his fingers made it virtually an impossible task for her to obey. He fully expected her to lie still while he tortured her with his touch.

  Mac gave her aching core a slight reprieve and turned his focus upon her full breasts. Kissing her lightly once more, he ran his tongue down the column of her neck, dipping inside the cleft created by her breasts. Imani inhaled sharply, gripping the duvet in an effort to lie still.

  Mac began to unbutton her blouse one button at a time, planting a kiss upon each inch of her exposed flesh.

  Standing once more, he spoke. “Unfasten your bra for me.”

  Imani’s hands trembled slightly as she obeyed his command, unclasping her bra, then peeling away the cups to expose herself to his heated gaze.

  “Imani, you are a beautiful woman, do you know that?” he asked, his voice husky from his own growing arousal from the sight of the twin globes. Round and firm, they nearly entranced him with their rise and fall. Her nipples were hardened berries that begged for his attention.

  Mac returned to his earlier prone position over her, cupping both her breasts in his very large, dark hands, pushing them together then flicking his long pink tongue over first one turgid peak then the other.

  Imani’s voice became a series of tiny whimpers and mewls from the literal tongue lashing she was receiving, as Mac began to take tiny nips upon her oversensitized nipples, adding just a tiny fraction of pain to heighten her clearly aroused state. Unable to refrain, she began to arch into his mouth as he covered her nipples with his full, soft lips and suckled her breasts.

  Needing something to do with her hands, she disregarded his earlier command and reached for him, cupping the back of his smooth, shaven head, wanting to feel him as he pleasured her.

  “Imani, I asked you to lie still,” he said, arching his brow to emphasize his reminder.

  “Mac, how can I lie still when you’re driving me insane from wanting you!” she replied out of frustration.

  He was inwardly pleased by her confession. His face, however, did not betray his sentiments. Speaking authoritatively, he said, “Imani, if I am to teach you, to awaken you to submission, you will have to relinquish control to me. If I have not given you permission to touch me, you will lie still until told to do otherwise. Now, baby girl, you have just earned yourself your first punishment.”

  Mac moved away from her quivering body, then turned his back to her, walking over toward his closet and toeing off his loafers then placing them inside.

  Imani propped up on her elbows in frustration but quickly became transfixed as he began to remove his shirt, unbuttoning his cuffs first then the shirt front, tugging the shirt from within his slacks then shrugging it from his massive shoulders. He then removed his white T-shirt. Imani bit back a curse from the sight of his rich dark skin rippling as he moved. He tossed both shirts into a nearby hamper then proceeded to unbuckle his belt, removing the leather from around his waist in one smooth pull, flicking his wrist and causing the belt to fly free.

  She had no trouble imagining what a whip would look like in his hands from that little demonstration, and her juices ran freely, pooling lower as they coated her tiny, pinched nether opening before saturating her panties. She w
as dying a slow death and wanted to know what he planned to do to her as a punishment for disobeying his command to lie still. She continued to watch his strip tease. He was rolling his belt, placing it inside his top chest drawer. Mac was deliberately making her wait, and foolishly she questioned him.

  “Mac, what are you going to do to me?” she stammered, her body wound up from want and her heart rate slightly elevated from anticipation.

  Turning to face her, he remained silent, his eyes burning her with his heated stare, as he unfastened his slacks and pushed them down.

  Imani’s lust was truly overriding her brain, for she nearly leapt from the bed at the sight of his thighs, corded and thick, while he stepped from his pants and folded them over a hanger, placing them inside the closet. When he turned to face her once more, her eyes lit upon his thick bulge. The briefs he wore seemed strained over their contents and she longed to free him of the restraining garment.

  Walking back over to the bed, he spoke in measured tones and answered her question.


  Imani was in a state of shock, her body so turned on that at that moment it bordered on pain. She had undoubtedly heard him wrong, because it sound like he had just said, “Nothing.” She was perplexed, not sure she was following his reasoning.

  He quickly cleared things up for her. “I know how much you want me to spank you, Imani. You’ve admitted to fantasizing about me doing it for days on end,” he said, watching her nod her head in agreement with his words, wide-eyed. Damn, she was a sight lying there. With her bare breasts exposed, the nipples had hardened into tempting peaks and the moisture from her pussy had seeped through her panties, making a small circle of dampness upon his duvet.

  “Because you want your spanking so badly, as punishment for disobeying my command, I will deny you your wish. You will not receive your spanking tonight, Imani,” he finished.