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Seductively Seduced Page 4
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“We are on schedule and good to go. I held a vote among the subs and Lost in Subspace is what they came up with as a theme for our Alternative-con.” Carmen chuckled and Jocelyn shook her head. Leave it to Rasheed to have a quirky spin for their monthly theme event. He continued. “We have Master Jaguar Cervantes scheduled to do a Shibari exhibition. I will be demonstrating proper flogging techniques and maintenance of the equipment, and Little Bit was also booked along with her Daddy Dom to speak on fantasy role-playing for couples.”
Jocelyn was impressed. “You guys are handling business. My hat is off to you both.”
“Well before you say all that, there are a few things we need to make you aware of. I’m seriously considering demoting Jorge. Dude has been late for planning meetings three times and his attitude, when he is here, is pissing off the subs.”
Jocelyn sighed. “I’ll have a talk with him. I can’t have a member of my staff causing strife.” Jocelyn did not tolerate slovenly behavior, especially coming from a house Dom. Jorge had only recently been promoted from Switch to full Domship, a decision that she was sure Rasheed would have no problems reversing if he didn’t shape up.
“One other thing, and this is a delicate matter.” Rasheed rubbed his chin, and Carmen began to fidget in her seat. Jocelyn felt that aloof feeling she got whenever she sensed she was about to hear something that was going to make her very unhappy. “It’s Donna. She came in today with more bruises. Her wrist was taped and she had a black eye. She didn’t say so, but we believe her husband beat her again.”
Jocelyn’s eyes narrowed and she gave him “the hand” halting any further comments. Rasheed and Carmen exchanged knowing glances and didn’t move an inch. Jocelyn’s tone was ice. “I don’t need to hear anything further. Meeting is over.” She rose in a seamless movement and stalked out, leaving them in her office. “Aw shit,” said Rasheed to Carmen, who only nodded.
A long-overdue reckoning was about to go down.
* * * *
Jocelyn found Donna in the ladies’ changing rooms applying makeup. Donna was a house submissive with an abusive Dominant husband. One she and her cousin Mac had a run-in with a few years back. It was during a public event at the club, where visiting Dominants and their subs put on an exhibition for a mainly vanilla audience. It went over well and became a yearly rotating conference held at the various fetish clubs within the state.
It was after the exhibition that several more adventurous guests wanted to experience a bit more in private. Jocelyn, Mac, Donna and Mark, her husband, along with a few visiting Dominants and their submissives, arranged a private exhibition. Mark, at the time, was partnering with another sub named Jillian and together they were demonstrating Edge Play, taking the scene into dangerous territory. His sub had entered sub space and was no longer able to verbalize her state. It was imperative when a scene reached a level where a sub may be compromised that the Dom was in full control and able to judge whether the scene should continue or end.
A sub’s well-being was always first and foremost. Clearly Jillian’s well-being was not being monitored by Mark. He had become lost on his personal power trip. With Jillian unable to verbalize her safe word, Mark was taking the scene too far, thereby exercising a complete disregard for the mantra of safe, sane, and consensual.
Normally Dominants do not interfere with the handling of another’s sub out of respect and protocol. However, the scene was not going well and Jillian was in danger. Mark and Jillian’s demonstration of Edge Play by using asphyxiation had rendered Jillian nearly unconscious—clearly a red zone. A Dom on top of his game would have worked out a counter signal before hand, some physical sign the sub could employ to show she was in distress. Jillian was past that point and Mark didn’t seem to care. As the hosting Dominant and owner of her club she made that call on Jillian’s behalf, and with the help of her cousin Mac the scene came to an immediate halt. Mark became enraged with Jocelyn’s interference and verbally castigated Jocelyn before those present. His actions led to a physical altercation between himself and Mac, which left Jocelyn no other choice than to fire and ban Mark from her club. His resentment and hostility over her decision to let him go caused him to grow bitter especially since Donna remained as an employee. He also blamed her as well for losing his sub Jillian, who after that horrible scene, dissolved her contract with him and moved away. He now took all of his frustrations out on his wife Donna, forcing her to stand in as his sub for private, rogue scenes. While employed at the Velvet Fantasy, Mark often disregarded the Code of Conduct the Council of Dominants demanded of all seasoned Dominants. Once he was let go, he felt no need to answer to them or to anyone for his misuse of his wife. Mark felt justified in his methodology and considered his abusive actions a form of “discipline” because Donna continued to work at the Velvet Fantasy for the woman he blamed for his woes.
“When will you start to think of your own well-being, Donna? You can only cover up the bruises on the outside, internal wounds are another matter.” Jocelyn spoke gently but wasn’t going to sugarcoat or mince words with her. She was in a dangerous relationship with a man that was out of control, husband or not.
“He was just upset, he didn’t get the job and his unemployment is running out. I was going to ask if I could work extra days…” Donna’s shoulders slumped in a defeated posture. It made Jocelyn seethe inside to see the woman in such a state. Jocelyn turned Donna around to face her, cupping her chin, bringing her downcast eyes level with her own.
“Baby girl, he’s going to kill you. You’ve had cracked ribs, internal bleeding, even a torn anus because of Mark and his lack of restraint. What he is doing is not safe or sane. Hell, it’s not consensual when he ignores your safe word!” Donna eyes widened. “Yes, I know all about the scenes you’ve had outside of this club with him. He’s been barred from public exhibition by practically every fetish club and venue within the state! This shit is beyond ridiculous now. You do remember what happened to Jillian?”
During that scene Mark had placed an unchecked amount of pressure upon his sub’s throat. Subsequently Jillian had to undergo emergency tracheotomy surgery. Had Jocelyn and Mac not intervened, Jillian may have died. Tears began to roll down Donna’s face. “I do, I can’t forget how close she came to dying! But I am so scared, Mistress. He…he said he’d kill me if I ever left him. Something in him has changed. I don’t recognize the man I married anymore! I’m not sure what I should do—I just don’t want to end up like Jillian.”
Jocelyn’s face became stone. That was the last straw. She might be out of line, but there was no way in hell she would sit back and be a witness to this abuse. “You will not go home tonight. You will go to Carmen’s for the time being. As of today you are on medical leave. I want you to get checked out by our staff physician before you return. You cannot work injured. You will also enter into counseling.” Donna began to nod her head, the hope flickering in her eyes.
“I have a good friend, a fellow lifestyler and licensed psychologist. She won’t be shocked by anything you tell her. I won’t sit back and watch him destroy you as he did with Jillian—and for damn sure not as some sort of a vendetta against myself and my cousin.” Jocelyn’s tone brooked no argument. Donna dissolved into sobs and Jocelyn pulled her into her arms, rubbing her back, speaking to her in soothing tones. “Donna, you need a restraining order. Baby girl, it’s time to take your own well-being into your hands. Just because he’s your husband does not make him fit to be your Dom. Clearly he has lost himself and I don’t want to lose you too. We’re a family here. When one of us hurts we all feel it. I will stand with you but you have to make this choice and stick by it.”
Once Donna had cried it out, she admitted she was ready to leave Mark and asked Jocelyn if she would accompany her to her home to retrieve her things. Jocelyn left word with Rasheed that she’d be gone for a few hours and went with Donna to the police station first to file a complaint. Then she went with her to her home.
Once inside, they discover
ed he wasn’t there but evidence of his drug usage had been left out in the open. They hastily packed what belongings she wanted and left. Jocelyn knew once Mark discovered Donna had left him, he would be angry over her interference. She also knew he would come looking for his wife. She had no fear of him retaliating against her. She was more concerned with Donna’s welfare. As far as she was concerned Mark was a coward and was long overdue for a comeuppance. The Velvet Fantasy staff was close-knit and was more than a group of employees. They were family and Jocelyn took care of her family.
She called Carmen as soon as they got out to the car and arranged to meet her at her place. Once they arrived, Carmen got Donna settled in. Meanwhile Jocelyn made the necessary phone calls to secure Donna’s appointments with both the doctor and the psychologist. She also made a call to her cousin Mac apprising him of the situation. She wanted an emergency meeting to be called with the Council of Dominants and he said he’d handled that. Jocelyn preferred to cover her own ass as well. Her move today walked a fine line but nevertheless she was standing by her decision.
“I’ll cover your expenses until you are able to return to work. Under no circumstances are you to contact Mark or agree to see him. It may take a while for the restraining order. I mean it, Donna, do not be a fool,” she admonished.
“I won’t, Lady J, I promise. I’m so tired of this,” Donna said wearily. Jocelyn accepted the woman’s word then left her in Carmen’s care. She was heading back to the club. When her phone rang, the ringtone told her it was a call from the club, which didn’t surprise her. She had a feeling she knew what that call would be about and her intuition was confirmed—Mark was there making a scene demanding to see Jocelyn. “I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.” She tossed her cell onto the seat of her vehicle. a sudden flood of calm taking over her. The bastard had made the wrong move stepping onto her playground. It was time to show him how she rolled.
* * * *
Jocelyn strode in just in time to see Rasheed about to coldcock Mark. “Enough!” she barked out, and the room went still. “Mark, you have no business on my premises.”
“Where’s my fucking wife? I know you had something to do with it, Lady J. Donna would not have left on her own. I come home and all her shit is gone, who in the hell do you think you are?” His eyes were wild and glassy, his behavior erratic.
“Who I am is not the issue. What you are, however, is. You’re an abusive coward that doesn’t know what to do with a woman that will stand up to your sorry ass.” Jocelyn walked right up to Mark, her face a mask of perfected calm, looking him square in his eyes. “Now would you like to ask me again who in the hell I think I am?” No one moved. Mark blinked a few times, swore, then backed down.
“You have no business sticking your nose into our affairs!”
“Be that as it may, it’s my business when my employees show up battered and unable to work. It’s my business when I see a friend hurting at the hands of the one who took a pledge to love and protect her. You’ve lost your way, Mark. You’re out of control and a drug user on top of everything else.”
His nostrils flared but he remained silent.
“You’re sick, Mark, and you need help. Don’t walk into my yard, throwing your weight around. You of all people should know that Mackenzies do not intimidate easily. You have a choice. You can leave my establishment and get yourself some business, or you can be carried out on a stretcher, your call.” It wasn’t an idle threat. Jocelyn was well versed in Jeet Kune Do. She didn’t subscribe to needless violence but if Mark wanted to have a go with a woman she’d be happy to oblige him.
With a few backhanded comments Mark stormed out of the building. “I’ll follow him out, make sure he leaves,” said Rasheed. Jocelyn nodded then went to address security. She learned a newbie working their first day had inadvertently fallen for Mark’s concerned song and dance. She reiterated with her security staff that under no circumstances was Mark allowed on the premises—ever.
Her final address was to Jorge, whom she gave her one and only warning—show up late for rehearsal again and he would find himself cut from the show and his position. His answer was an apology along with a promise it would not happen again.
Jocelyn returned to her office, shutting the door, and sat behind her desk. Rubbing her temples, she checked the time. The doors would officially be opening in three hours. That gave her time to shower then change into her attire and chill out for a bit.
* * * *
Jocelyn stood in front of her mirror in her dressing room surveying her makeup. Satisfied, she headed back to her office to check her appointment book. Often last minute changes occurred so she wanted to be sure she was ready. When she looked over the night’s scheduled consultations and encounters, her pulse quickened. Scheduled for a consultation was a man by the name of Ahmad Dupree. Reaching for the phone, she pressed the intercom and asked Carmen to have Rasheed come by the office. Rasheed knocked upon the door before entering, then reported that Mark had left but not before issuing more threats.
“Hey, Cub, didn’t you tell me the man from the other night was named Ahmad? Was it Ahmad Dupree?” she asked him.
“Yeah, that’s the brother. I couldn’t for the life of me remember his last name but that’s him. Why?” Rasheed sat upon the corner of her desk.
“He’s booked a consultation with me—and a private encounter.”
Rasheed whistled. “Damn. The brother did say he was looking to sample a bit of action, just didn’t peg him for any kinky shit.”
Jocelyn pursed her lips. “You know, Rasheed, sometimes I wonder about you.”
He gave her rakish grin then rose to peck her on her cheek. “Hey, you can always count on me to keep it reals.” The extra s on the end was his lame attempt at being funny.
Jocelyn chuckled. “Go on and get ready. We’ll find out just what he wants to sample.”
Once she was alone in her office, she thought of the unanswered questions that had plagued her concerning this mystery man. She looked over his application. Nothing jumped out at her that would give her any cause for concern. She was impressed with his knowledge of BDSM and he was open to exploration. Perhaps she’d get a chance to find out who he was and why he showed up at her family’s gathering.
However, before he received his encounter he’d have to submit to a background check and have a current physical on file. Last thing she needed was a person with any hidden health issues or for that matter any hidden issues—period. Checking the time, she put away her schedule book, then headed out to sit at her customary spot on her “throne.” There were no events scheduled and only a few appointments for encounters tonight so the evening should be routine.
However, given the start to her night, she wouldn’t hold her breath. Jocelyn took her seat and nodded to the staff. The Velvet Fantasy was officially open for business.
Chapter 5
Jocelyn sat upon the dais seated on an ornate custom chair dubbed her “throne,” compliments of Paulo Fabrini of P. F. Designs, and surveyed the crowd. The club pulsated with life, sensuality, and decadence, the type of atmosphere that allowed inhibitions to be cast aside. Rasheed was to her right, arms crossed, clad in his leathers, his eyes sharp. Two of the house submissives were shackled within suspended cages, dancing. They used the chains provocatively as props to accentuate their seemingly helpless state. Their scantily clad bodies were on display as tantalizing offerings, a visual feast. Both wore nipple clamps and chastity belts and their gyrations in time with the music drew many lustful eyes from the patrons.
Jocelyn still had an hour before her consultation with Mr. Ahmad Dupree. Her face did not give away the growing pensiveness she felt. What was it that was actually nagging her about the man? Truly she had no reason to be suspicious of him. He had wandered into the party by mistake. No big deal. Yet the brief look she had been afforded of him had kept her in a semi-aroused state ever since, which angered her. Jocelyn had a weakness for large, powerful men. Unlike some Dommes, she didn
’t crave the adoration of a sniveling submissive man, one overly willing to yield to her every whim. Not that there was anything wrong with that. It just never appealed to her.
No, what she enjoyed was the give and take from an alpha-type personality, large and in control. To bring a man of that caliber to submission was more her style. Men who valued their control often found it harder to let go of it, especially to a woman. She found it immensely pleasurable to watch the transformation that men of strong principals and rigid convictions underwent. She reveled in taking them from resistance to compliance, testing their limits and boundaries, leading them on a journey of self-discovery. With her they found that a part of them needed to hand over the reins they held on to so tightly. And once those reins were in her hands she’d lead them on a journey that they’d crave as much as the breath of life itself.
Many powerful men came into the BDSM lifestyle at first looking for sexual thrills and kink. Some were married and wanted a taste of the forbidden, something they didn’t “get at home.” She never judged their reasons but she did test their resolve. She quickly ferreted out those that were thrill-seeking from those wanting to experience the lifestyle on a deeper level. For those fortunate few, she took them under her wing personally. Her client list was exclusive and private but strictly business.
She had yet to find someone of her very own that wanted to become solely hers for more than just pleasure. She found herself now, ever since Mac announced his own intentions of marrying Imani, soul searching. In her eyes he had the perfect relationship—a loving partner that wanted to share in his life fully, without judgment or disdain. One who accepted what he offered and gave back to him everything. He had found a lover, a submissive, and a partner for life. If she was honest with herself, she wanted the very same.